Contact Us

Redfern, Mason, Larsen & Moore, P.L.C.
415 Clay Street, P.O. Box 627
Cedar Falls, IA 50613


Telephone:  (319) 277-6830
Facsimile:  (319) 277-3531

Click here for detailed directions.


Contact Information
Legal Information

Unsolicited information sent to the firm or any member of the firm by any means by persons who are not existing clients of the firm is not subject to any duty of confidentiality on the part of the firm. You should not send any confidential information to us until an attorney-client relationship has been formed. An attorney-client relationship is not established except by written acknowledgment of such an engagement signed by a member of the firm. Until an attorney-client relationship is established, information communicated to the firm should be limited to the accurate identification of the potential client and all related and opposing parties pertinent to the subject mater. Communications to anyone in the firm of information about yourself, your business or your personal affairs will not be protected under the attorney-client privilege or kept confidential unless an attorney-client relationship has been established. Time sensitive materials should not be sent to the firm without first speaking with one of the firm's attorneys.

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